
TA of CSC4180: Compiler Construction

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2024

I was the only TA of this course, and needed to handle all the works alone, including designing and grading programming projects, giving tutorial sessions, and conducting Q&A sessions for students.

TA of CSC4005: Parallel Programming

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2023

I was the administrator and maitainer of the cluster with Slurm task management system where students submit their parallel tasks. Besides, this time I was the leading TA, and needs to manage other TAs and USTFs (Undergraduate Student Teaching Fellow) with the course instructor

TA of DDA2003: Data Visualization

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2023

I serve as the leading TA, and was reponsible for giving tutorial sessions to students, that taught them how to write basic programs for data visualization.

TA of CSC4005: Parallel Programming

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2022

I was the administrator and maitainer of the cluster with Slurm task management system where students submit their parallel tasks. Besides, I graded two of the programming projects and conducted Q&A session for students.