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GLogS: Interactive Graph Pattern Matching Query At Large Scale

Published in ATC, 2023

Find optimized execution plan for graph pattern match query by graph-strctured catalogue

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@inproceedings {288723, author = {Longbin Lai and Yufan Yang and Zhibin Wang and Yuxuan Liu and Haotian Ma and Sijie Shen and Bingqing Lyu and Xiaoli Zhou and Wenyuan Yu and Zhengping Qian and Chen Tian and Sheng Zhong and Yeh-Ching Chung and Jingren Zhou}, title = {{GLogS}: Interactive Graph Pattern Matching Query At Large Scale}, booktitle = {2023 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 23)}, year = {2023}, isbn = {978-1-939133-35-9}, address = {Boston, MA}, pages = {53--69}, url = {}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, month = jul }
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TA of CSC4005: Parallel Programming

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2022

I was the administrator and maitainer of the cluster with Slurm task management system where students submit their parallel tasks. Besides, I graded two of the programming projects and conducted Q&A session for students.

TA of DDA2003: Data Visualization

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2023

I serve as the leading TA, and was reponsible for giving tutorial sessions to students, that taught them how to write basic programs for data visualization.

TA of CSC4005: Parallel Programming

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2023

I was the administrator and maitainer of the cluster with Slurm task management system where students submit their parallel tasks. Besides, this time I was the leading TA, and needs to manage other TAs and USTFs (Undergraduate Student Teaching Fellow) with the course instructor

TA of CSC4180: Compiler Construction

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2024

I was the only TA of this course, and needed to handle all the works alone, including designing and grading programming projects, giving tutorial sessions, and conducting Q&A sessions for students.